Sold in a box of 100 pieces.
- Temperature range -60 to 250° F
- Abrasion resistance
- Non-porous
- Odorless
- Good compression set
- Durometer range 80 to 90
- Non-toxic
- Provides tight joints, good seals
- FDA accepted and complies with the CFR Title 21, Part 177.2600
Haynes® offers their customers 4 sizes in the Snap-Tite Buna Gaskets; 1″, 1.5″, 2″, and 2.5″.
- For Bevel Seat Fittings
- Temperature Range -60 To 250° F
- Abrasion Resistance
- Non-Porous
- Odorless
- Good Compression Set
- Durometer Range 80 To 90
- Non-Toxic
- Provides Tight Joints, Good Seals
- FDA Accepted And Complies With The CFR Title 21, Part 177.2600